Thursday, December 4, 2008

Round and round

" You know something about him? Some thing that is very irritating, umm.. i dont know the exact thing but it is similar to a thing which looks similar to another thing, what i mean is that his face is like a banana, like the comic hero, oh what was his name... crookbond. Yeah he looks like crook bond and the shape of his face irritates me!"

    Whaattt a lengthy explanation. I really think those sentences could be summarised in a word! What a circumlocution! 

Well, circumlocution is a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea.

Etymology says:
It originates from   circumlocutionem (a loan-translation of Gk. periphrasis) "speaking around" (the topic), from circum-"around" + locutionem (nom. locutio) "a speaking," from stem of loqui "to speak.

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